Friday, May 23, 2008

Dial Up Service Providers Still Have Their Place

Do you know that that dial up service providers still exist? Well, its certainly difficult to believe that they are still around because most people have made the switch to cable high-speed Internet. Modern technology has really come along way. You can now even roam throughout your house with just a 12 inch Mac in hand. This pure technology that weights only three pounds is probably one of the coolest machines to date.

Do you own anything that can actually do more or accomplish more tasks than a computer? I seriously doubt there is anything that can surpass PCs and Macs in this regard. You can take care of your bills, your banking, order a pizza, chat with friends, do all of you shopping, arrange a trip, plan a dental appointment, schedule an oil change, and just plain surf the web for current events with a contemporary computer. This ultimate machine is utterly phenomenal. In fact, I don't think I could live without it now.

Can you still recall the dial up service providers? If you can, then you are probably familiar with AOL. I bet that you have tried the service of this dial up service provider at some point in your life. Theres also a good chance that your memories with AOL are not very memorable. In my case, I ended up getting kicked off line every time I would log on by dialing in. This can be very irritating when you are in the middle of some long and drawn out email to a buddy or relative.

I can suddenly discover that Im offline after writing about three paragraphs. This means that I have to dial back in. You are actually lucky half the time if you could dial back in with those old-school dial up service providers. There are times that they were so busy that there was no room for me to dial back in. This was very irritating if you had some research to do for a school project or something. I simply blamed the dial up service providers if I received a bad grade.

I guess it's not a very big deal if you are still taking advantage of dial up service providers. I personally could not endure that annoying screeching sound and waiting 2 years for a page to open up. My older sister has to deal with dial up service providers again due to his rural location. Its an easy guess that she hates it.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Dial Up Service Providers. Visit our site for more helpful information about Free Internet Dial Up and other similar topics.

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Broadband - Going Underground, Broadband Through Sewers

You know what it's like, another day, another commute to work, another set of roadworks somewhere along the way. Chances are they're probably working on the telecoms cables beneath the surface.

However, the idea of running a fibre-optic network beneath the surface could soon come into practice.

Fibre-optic cables transmit data using light pulses down glass or plastic fibres - which are not prone to outside interference, and could therefore help deliver ultra-fast broadband across the UK.

Such cabling networks are already being implemented in Japan, but also in some cities - such as Paris - making use of vast sewer systems in order to deliver high-speed broadband connections through fibre-optic cabling to homes and businesses.

With a sewer network of over 360,000 miles existing in the UK, the idea of threading cables through underground pipes in order to help deliver high-speed broadband services may sound far-fetched, but it could soon become a reality.

A networking firm in Wales are currently in talks with several councils about the possibility of laying fibre-optic cables - which could potentially lead to faster broadband services becoming available, whilst eliminating the need to spend time and money digging up the roads.

Universities in Aberdeen, Bournemouth and Bath have been used to trial such methods of cabling on a small scale. However the firm have been negotiating with councils and water boards to try and strike a deal which could see fibre-optic cabling being laid over wider areas.

Cables would lie up to five metres below the surface, and as fibre optic cabling is believed to be less prone to erosion and rust, it could prove to be the next phase in delivering ultra-fast broadband connections across the UK.

With more of us running a speed test on our broadband connection - and becoming increasingly frustrated with the results we get back, could a new system of networking help to speed up the broadband infrastructure and give businesses and gamers alike the bandwidth they've been craving for what seems like years now?

Looking for better broadband? Perform a broadband speed test and compare broadband providers to find a deal that suits you.

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